ANWB C - Noord West Overijssel 2014-15
Product Number:
Edition date: 2014-03-01 In stock
Edition date: 2014-03-01 In stock
SEK 100,00
Unitprice with VAT
The ANWB Waterkaart Overijssel is indispensable way when you go boating there. The card is tear and water resistant!
ANWB Waterkaart Overijssel - Features
This water Overijssel card contains:
- Reliable, detailed nautical chart information
- Bridge numbers that refer to Wateralmanak 2
- Fuel outlets
- Maximum depth
- Deployment maps major ports and places
- Maximum operating speeds
- Extended legend
No skipper is in the Netherlands the water without the aid of these reliable cartographic and nautical information from the ANWB.